Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Just the Beginning

Normal is a relative term.  Everyones "normal" is different and constantly changing.  Even experts who have tried to define normal in regards to children's development can't even pinpoint an exact normal.  They say it's normal for your kid to walk any time between age 9 months to 15 months.  And yet even then, there are those kids who break the normal and your pediatrician will say, "Well, that's just normal for them."  So that is what I am out to find my "new normal".

I recently had a baby (3 months ago- but that could be recent right?) and am finding myself in a funk.  I don't really know from day to day what I can or should be doing.  I try to make plans to get certain things done, but then find that I just can't because the baby is overly fussy that day and just can't sleep for more than twenty minutes at a time.  Recently, I have just stop making plans at all and my house shows it.  So in my quest to be somewhat consistant and unlazy, I am starting this blog to hopefully defeat that mentality.

Here's where I started today:

First off, I got the "seeable" living space relatively picked up.  So if someone unexpected dropped by (which usually never happens) they would see a pretty clean house.  From the picture you can see that it's mostly clean.  Not perfect, I can see at least five things in the picture alone that aren't right, but I'm guessing you couldn't, so the room is "mostly" clean.

Then I figured out dinner for the day.  I figure if I decide now what is for dinner, I can make sure that I have all the ingredients that I need and if I need to stop by the store I can do that or if I need to pull something out of the freezer I can do that now.  Also, it gives me an idea for when I need to start making dinner that night.  Someday I will be to the point that I already have meals planned out ahead of time, but right now, this is as good as I can do.  So for tonight, we all have a pretty busy evening, so I am doing bean soup in the crockpot.  Really easy recipe and one I know Jenna, my most picky eater will like.  I put five cans of beans (2 black, 2 pinto, 1 kidney) in the crockpot (with their juices) and a can of corn.  I added a cut up polish sausage, and turned it on low heat.  Done! I also have a quick corn bread in a box mix that I can prepare later when I have time.  And if I don't, oh well, at least the kids are going to get fed dinner.

In the spirit of trying to not get too gung ho today so that I don't want to do anything tomorrow, I am going to keep it simple.  My house is relatively clean right now, and I know what my family is going to eat for dinner.  I am going to call that a successful day so far. 

My one hope for today?  To tackle this pile in the laundry room:

I know, lofty goal!  (And you think I'm joking)  But that pile includes getting those shoes put away, putting a pumpkin from trick or treating back in the halloween bin and the pile of drop cloths from painting the baby's room cleaned, folded and put away.  Wish me luck!

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